Etching creates patterns or markings on metal or glass surfaces via blasting, widely used in industrial design.
Etching creates patterns or markings on metal or glass surfaces via blasting, widely used in industrial design.
Etching is used to create controlled surface textures or patterns on materials such as glass, metals, and ceramics. This process is essential for preparing surfaces for coating, bonding, or aesthetic finishes.
Henglihong’s Ceramic Sand and Alumina Media offer precise etching capabilities, ensuring consistent and controllable surface texturing. Our products enable efficient etching without introducing contamination or causing excessive wear to the substrate, making them ideal for high-precision industries.
Etching is used to create controlled surface textures or patterns on materials such as glass, metals, and ceramics. This process is essential for preparing surfaces for coating, bonding, or aesthetic finishes.
Henglihong’s Ceramic Sand and Alumina Media offer precise etching capabilities, ensuring consistent and controllable surface texturing. Our products enable efficient etching without introducing contamination or causing excessive wear to the substrate, making them ideal for high-precision industries.