Rust Removal | Sandblasting Material Manufacturer



Rust removal involves blasting to eliminate oxidation layers and rust from metal surfaces, often used to refurbish old metal parts and equipment.

Rust removal involves blasting to eliminate oxidation layers and rust from metal surfaces, often used to refurbish old metal parts and equipment.

Rust removal is a critical step in maintaining and restoring the integrity of metallic surfaces, especially in industries like automotive, marine, and construction. Effective rust removal requires the use of high-performance abrasive media to strip away rust while preserving the underlying material.

Henglihong’s Ceramic Blasting Media provides an efficient solution for rust removal, ensuring fast, uniform cleaning with minimal damage to the base material. Our ceramic media offers superior hardness and durability, making it ideal for removing even the toughest layers of rust. Additionally, the low dust emission of our media contributes to a safer, cleaner work environment.

Rust removal is a critical step in maintaining and restoring the integrity of metallic surfaces, especially in industries like automotive, marine, and construction. Effective rust removal requires the use of high-performance abrasive media to strip away rust while preserving the underlying material.

Henglihong’s Ceramic Blasting Media provides an efficient solution for rust removal, ensuring fast, uniform cleaning with minimal damage to the base material. Our ceramic media offers superior hardness and durability, making it ideal for removing even the toughest layers of rust. Additionally, the low dust emission of our media contributes to a safer, cleaner work environment.

Blasting Media

Blasting Media

Blasting Equipment

Blasting Equipment

  • Pneumatic Sandblasting Machine | Sandblasting Material Manufacturer
    Pneumatic Sandblasting Machine
    Pneumatic Sandblasting Machine
  • Pressure Blaster | Sandblasting Material Manufacturer
    Pressure Blaster
    Pressure Blaster

Operation guide

Operation guide

  • • Type II VS Type III: How to choose the right plastic media

    • Type II VS Type III: How to choose the right plastic media

  • • Type III Melamine: Efficient Stripping and Precision Cleaning

    • Type III Melamine: Efficient Stripping and Precision Cleaning

  • • Refined Application of Sandblasting Rust Removal

    • Refined Application of Sandblasting Rust Removal

  • • Laser rust removal and sandblasting rust removal

    • Laser rust removal and sandblasting rust removal

  • • 喷砂可有效去除金属上的锈迹

    • 喷砂可有效去除金属上的锈迹

Service Support

Service Support